
Pure Design System


Nokia Mobile Phones Design System

HMD Global is one of the fastest-growing companies in the world, with a revenue that has skyrocketed from €0 to over €2 billion in less than four years. At the same time, its organization size has multiplied at the same speed. As an organization that combines design, development and quality assurance, these global teams needed to establish a common platform for design and development repositories that would generate a consistent and innovative customer experience framework. The goal was to achieve autonomy for various teams, while still maintaining a true level of consistency throughout.


Build a common platform, tools and operations for Design&DevOps team to succeed in delivering amazing designs at the scale the market demands. Create a framework that brings customer-centric thinking into the core of HMDs organization and business to help in their effort for having the best customer experience on the market that dirves higher, sales. customer lifetime value and engagement.

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